HTML-Code MPZ Files

HTML sourcecode for MPZ files

Copy the code from the following table and add it to your HTML file. Of course you need to complete it with your part of the source code, for example by adding more text and pictures - just like you usually create websites. After that you change the name of the picture and the path that points to the MPZ file:




confirmText="The chosen item can only be\n"
                 +"installed with moove Roomancer.\n\n"
                 +"Do you wish to start up moove Roomancer?"

function InstallMPZ(sMPZ)
        var bInstall;

        if(RoseCommand21.IsBrowserOnAdvanced() != 0) // Roomancer running?
                bInstall = true;
                bInstall = window.confirm(confirmText);

                RoseCommand21.ExecuteAdvanced(99999, sMPZ, 10000); // nID, sParam, nTimeOut




<OBJECT id=RoseCommand21 classid=clsid:EF8A8A22-EF05-4C7D-BC34-9BBF1DBC86F1 VIEWASTEXT >

<IMG src="example.jpg" onclick=InstallMPZ("mpz/example.mpz")>



The line (img tag) where you change the file name (picture) and the path to the MPZ file can of course be used as often as you want if you are offering more than one MPZ file for download.

As in the moove shop, clicking on the preview picture will start the download and automatic installation of the MPZ file.

If you have any questions and/or problems, feel free to contact

Please note:
Please also have a look at our notes about creating decorations and styles, so that those can be downloaded and installed automatically as well.