Take advantage of the moove Shop - completely for FREE!

  • The moove Shop uses the latest technology to simplify/automate the download of packages.

  • With one click on a package e.g. an actor, the moove Downloader opens automatically to download and import the package into moove Roomancer. However, this will only work with Microsoft ActiveX technologie.

  • Packages which have been dowloaded already are marked black. For this cookies have to be enabled in Microsoft Internet Explorer.


Solving the Problem

ActiveX is disabled


In Internet Explorer you need to enable ActiveX under "Tools" -> "Internet Options" -> "Security" -> "Custom Level".


Cookies are blocked

In Internet Explorer you need to allow cookies under "Tools" -> "Internet Options" -> "Privacy".

Firewall blocks moove Downloader

The firewall has to be configured. moodl.exe (moove Downloader) has to be added in the firewall settings and Internet access has to be allowed. Please note the firewall settings for moove Roomancer. A description on how to configure your firewall can be found at http://www.moove.com/help_advanced/firewalls.htm

moove Roomancer is not installed

To download packages from the shop, moove Roomancer needs be installed on the PC. If you should only have the installation folder, e.g. c:\moove, on your PC, you need to install moove Roomancer with the "overwrite" option. The current version of moove Roomancer can be downloaded here.

A provider problem

When using AOL software there might be some problems, since some AOL servers do not execute the required transmission protocols. This may cause the downloads in the shop not to work properly. In this case, please contact AOL and request to be connected without the AOL proxy.